Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

cracked Ysart

(1/3) > >>

Do any of our glass maker colleagues (esp. Scottish ones) know why Ysart weights are relatively prone to cracking ( example)?  Was it a poor annealing process, or incompatible coloured glass, or what? I see a higher proportion of cracked weights from Ysart than any other maker.


Annealing of Monart was not particularly good. This was probably because the Ysart's used and made their own batch, and imported colours - the glass technologists at Moncrieff were not privy to the recipe and in any case did not  deal with coloured clear/mixes. . Salvador considered paperweights a waste of time so would have not taken any interest. Paul took a personal interest in technology and would have worked to resolve that once Salvador was out the way and he had control over the process.

Vasart's annealling lehr made from corrugated iron and a milk crate conveyor, was accidentally better which is why annealling cracks do not show up in Vasart.

So a crack could be a useful dating tool >:D ;D

Cathy B:
An earlier thread on the subject is here.

Thanks both - that is helpful.



Here's another one! This time it looks like a translucent orange ground.



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