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Letters on my glass - DRGM - 'tis a Mystery

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Gebrauch - use
Muster - depends: can be sample or pattern 
gesetzlich - by law
geschützt - in this case copyright

schützen is a verb - to shelter, to protect
the noun is 'Schutz'

also animals and plants may be 'geschützt'

Glen you will find more information regarding DRGM in Pressglas-Korrespondenz - Arnold Becker, Berlin investigated a lot on this subject. Just indicate here issue of interest and I will be happy to try to translate!

Looking very much forward to your pictures!

Pamela - many thanks. I understand now that it is a German Patent Design. That makes good sense as it is such an unusual item to find in glass (and a complex mould).

Thank you for your offer to translate (re PK). The problem is I am not really sure where to begin  :oops:

The main thing I want to discover is who made the mould. Rindskopf in Czechoslovakia (using a German Registered Patent) or perhaps Brockwitz or another mould maker in Germany (who had registered and held the patent). I am not sure if it is possible to discover that.

Thank you again.


Glen, perhaps it is only me who is interested, but would you be so kind to issue a photo of the DRGM item in question please?
Thank you!

Pamela - yes I will be doing that shortly. Steve plans to take photos of the item and we will be writing a short feature on it as it is a most unusual piece of glass. We haven't had time to take the photos yet (life is a little bit pressured at the moment) but hope to get it done soon.


Pamela - Steve has taken a host of photos of the piece. I hope to resize and post them all in an article about the piece tomorrow. Meanwhile here are two quick images of the letters moulded onto the base of the item.

More very soon.



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