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Isle of Wight azurene - bowl? blue? year?

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flying free:
I've been trying to pin this down and hoping I've come to the right information/conclusion using Mark Hill's book :hiclp:
So if I have it right, this is 10 cm in diameter and is this a Blue Azurene disc bowl (my description so I can find it in my photos, using the name of this shape given to a Kerry Glass bowl in the book) produced between 1979 (? that was when blue was introduced but I have no idea if the shape was made then) and 1985 (from 1986 the shape disappears from the catalogues shown at the back of the book).  The label may date it 1980 to 1985?
Did I get it right?

flying free:
ah, after more searching is this called a doughnut? and is it black azurene rather than blue?

It does look like black azurene - the base colour of the glass is very dark. Not sure about the pale blue though. My interest in IoWSG ends with the advent of azurene and I don't pay much attention to it or most of what came after it. As a result I am not much help, the shape does look like the Kerry disc bowl illustrated in the book though (page 95).


My monitor colours are still weird, but I think this is Black Azurene - the pale blue comes from the reaction of the silver foil oxidising a little. Blue Azurene is decidedly bright cobalt in colour, not the dense inky deep blue which is "black". The triangular label puts this shape between '78 and ~ '90.
You'll see a picture of one of these pieces on the back cover of the book.

flying free:
thanks John and Sue.
Sue, I did see the pic on the back of the book and yes this is a dark inky blue.  It appears that this shape was not in the catalogues after 1985 from what I could see in the book so I just wanted to check dates.
I was trying to downsize my collection a little bit anyway, but now with a massive unexpected vet's bill for our Border Collie this week, I am 'having' to sell some bits so I wanted to get it right.
thanks again :)


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