Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Resolved Paperweight Queries

could this have been a clichy? ID = No, it's Perthshire Paperweights


saw this a bit late could it have been a clichy if so someone has a bargain.

It's a Perthshire Paperweights PP14 weight with a central "C" meaning made in 1971. Apparently, it was the only Perthshire Paperweights design which used each letter of the alphabet, starting at "A = 1969" and ending with "Z = 1994". And it was not signed in other way!

thanks kevin thought it couldnt be dont think many will be missed. i am just learning this glass thing and all info is gladly received.

For extra info: One reason I believe the date letter is a "C" and not a smoothed "V" is that the canes appear to be from the Strathearn or Vasart companies and probably travelled with some of the workers when Perthshire Paperweights was first started. Had it been a "V" date cane then by that time much crisper and differently coloured canes, being a hallmark of the development of Perthshire Paperweights, would have been used.

Unless anyone knows differently, of course.


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