Hi, I am new to this forum, but was hoping someone with a bit more knowledge than me could give me some more information about this piece.
I am established EBay seller, and at a recent estate sale I recently I acquired a large (15" diameter) console bowl with 6 applied ball feet.
I just listed it ~ Here is a link to the listing:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/301618154426?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649It is a brilliant transparent uranium yellow color, and has the appearance of true Vaseline glass in normal lighting. But here is the odd thing, at least to me,but I am by no means a glass expert. When a black light is placed near the sides or underneath the bowl it glows a most brilliant flourescent green, however if the light is held over the top of the bowl it doesn't glow AT ALL. If anyone could help me out as to the cause of this, and if it truly is Vaseline glass I would be grateful.
And one other thing, if anyone could tell me if this is truly a Loetz piece, it would be extremely helpful I have spent hours, (8+), trying to find a similar piece and have been unable to do so, thus far.
All indications with the mark point to it being made by Loetz, but I am not certain. It has a fire-polished rim, a ground pontil, and an acid etched mark on the pontil of CZECH- above the word SLOVAKIA in block letters within an oval circle.
THANK YOU in advance for any help you might give me.