Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

Glass Trinket Sets website

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Also see you have Libochovice 1299-1316 I have the candlesticks and cologne bottles...

also got Brockwitz 4900 ....

...the small trinket pots to Brockwitz 4900

Angela, thank you that's fabulous. I'll add the images onto the site shortly. :)

I haven't seen Brockwitz 4900 in part-frosted before, that's super!

And that tray... we were discussing those sometime ago and wondering what the pattern was. Another Mystery solved, thank you!!!

Great glad they are of use to you Anne some more for you...Large and small Queens Choice powder bowls....Crystopal Filey set with ash tray and cigarette box....Cloud glass Davidson 326


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