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Author Topic: Wavy yellow bowl: Jozefina Krosno Poland? ID = James Fletcher, Jaffaglass, NSW  (Read 6443 times)

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Offline brewster

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This wavy bowl is 19cm high x 29cm x 30cm, yellow inside, brown-orange-white-yellow spotted outside, cased clear. The base is rough ground and it is signed just off the base with engraved initials, apparently JAF.

With no particular evidence to hand, Jozefina (the "art glass" operation of Krosno in Poland) springs to mind. However, this item is more attractive than much of their output, judging from images found on the internet, which might argue against that source. It seems Jozefina products typically have identifying stickers, but I can’t find any information about how, if at all, their output is signed. Any insights?

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Offline brewster

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Re: Wavy yellow bowl: Jozefina Krosno Poland?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2016, 10:55:17 AM »
Here I go again solving my own query.

The maker of this item is James Fletcher, who currently runs a home studio in Windsor, NSW (in the far outer NW suburbs of Sydney). Seems his day job is pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist church, although he has been working in glass since the early 1980s. (His main assistant is a postman by day.) The business is called Jaffa Glass for James Armstrong Fletcher Fine Australian Glass. He has a wonderful blog at

Mr Fletcher has not only confirmed himself as the maker but he also kindly sent me a photograph from his records of the same item when it was made in July 2009.

Ah such joy for another puzzle solved - and it is an Aussie after all!

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