Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > USA
Signature help on heart perfume bottle - ID = Kevin Gray
Nice, weighty little PB, 6cm wide, 7cm high inc stopper. Hope my pics show ok - first time in years so I'm a bit rusty!
I've already made multiple guesses to the name - Kai, Llewi, Kevin? last name Frey. Fray, Grey, Gray? Dead end on all those.
All guesses welcome - an answer would be fantastic :)
Suzy x
(If posting pics works ok, I'l be popping more goodies on the board)
Hi Suzy, lovely to see you back with us, and your photos posted just fine. :)
I think your lovely bottle is by the late Kevin Gray (died 2012) - see another example of his work on Worthpoint here and their website (studio still run by his son Michael) here
Thank you so much Anne, it looks like the mystery is solved :) I'd assumed it to be a British piece so hadn't looked at American makers.
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