Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria

Precious Opaline Glass Jewelry Casket, Bohemian, Schachtenbach? Josephinenhütte?

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flying free:
Hi, I don't think they were in English unfortunately.  All mine are German.

It is always a balance for me, or used to be, between books or glass.  Now I have about 50 or 60 books, perhaps more,  and I wouldn't be without them.  I sold a lot of glass to pay for them but they mean I don't buy mistakes.  They are also a never ending source of reading opportunity of  a subject about which I am passionate.  Most are written by curators of museum collections  - they are without doubt experts in their field of knowledge and have access to collections and deposits and information I could only dream of being able to look at.  So for me, that knowledge shared by specialists is invaluable.  You have a good eye for glass. However you will miss opportunities because you don't have the knowledge, available in the books, to buy that glass.  They have also often prevented me buying something not worth buying.



Yeah, I've searched a bit today but couldn't find any in English.
Must be a mistake then.

Yes, that's definitely true. I will buy some in the future.
I only have my french opaline books which I was planning to translate,
but it took me waaaayyy to long.

So I gave up on that. And only translate little pieces of a page,
when it's relevant to a piece of glass I've bought.

flying free:
I do the same :)  However I know, from reading through my books written in English, that reading and translating in that way means sometimes information found elsewhere in the book gets missed.  It's unfortunate but difficult when it's not easy to translate from a different language.

I don't agree with any of this in your reply earlier btw :)  :
'I have made a very simple conclusion, that basically comes down to;
Alabasterglas is Bohemian's opaline. They must have used a little different formula than the French.
I find that Bohemian opaline is the class #2 in quality, compared to the French.
This has nothing to do with designs, finishes and/or cuts.'

The Bohemian glassmakers had different opaline glasses based on their own compositions.  Some are opalescent, some are not.  Those that are not opalescent opaline are referred to as Alabasterglas.  Some that are opalescent are referred to as Beinglas.

I highly recommend you buying the two books Farbenglas I and Farbenglas II by Neuwirth.  They are translated into English in the books.  They are an excellent reference source on Bohemian glass colours.

I also love French opaline glass particularly that of the period 1800-c.1830.  It was incredibly beautiful.  However the Bohemians made the most utterly wonderful and amazing range of colours in opaline glass and cased them and cut them so skilfully. 
The French and Bohemian opalines are equally beautiful. In my opinion, one cannot be referred to as 'better' than the other.

First of all, I appreciate your opinion.
And I agree on the french restauration period-opalines.

Most of them are highest on my wish list, but not anywhere
near my budget, if even they come up for sale once in a few years,
and for some even decades.

Still searching for a 'clair de lune'-piece. 

I think I have in the past, but I will try to basically explain
what I ment about the bohemian quality in a later topic, with
some examples. I'm too busy to do this in the next few weeks.

And thanks for the book-tip!
I'll definately check those 2 out.



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