Glass Message Board

Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests => Glass Paperweights => Topic started by: hunter-g on May 03, 2013, 01:10:21 AM

Title: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: hunter-g on May 03, 2013, 01:10:21 AM
I'm curious if anyone knows of any studies which attempt to quantify how many antique weights from the presumedly known factories are signed (ie; w/ signature canes or the like)? I've seen some loose references to percentages, and granted, not knowing exactly how many examples of all kinds exist adds to uncertainty, but I think it would be great if a place like this (GMB) could become an ongoing and central repository for research along that line.

Of course, I have an ulterior motive (or at minimum, at least, admittedly selfish) but really, I would think anyone who has at least one signed piece would benefit from (and might want to contribute to) the greater knowledge and community of collectors, as so many authors of books on our subject have labored to do over the last few generations... Just another piece to the puzzle, but a lot of progress has already been made in so many areas in the years since I started collecting, that I'm sure some interesting results would begin to appear here as well. (There goes that optimism again - I've got to try to keep it in check!) ::)

If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, I'd be pleased if this prompts some good feedback and dialogue. And further research. Now, where to begin?...

Thanks / h-g
Title: Re: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: tropdevin on May 03, 2013, 07:12:11 AM

Hi Bruce.  You are probably aware of Andy Dohan's comprehensive book(s) on signature canes. It might be worth asking him (or as he is a GMB member, hoping he replies) - his researches may well have given him a feel for the frequency of occurence of antique signature canes.

Title: Re: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: chopin-liszt on May 03, 2013, 11:07:00 AM
"Our" KevinH has done a great deal of research on canes with relation to Ysart glass - I am in still awe of his knowledge following his completely fascinating talk at the Perth Conference in 2005.

This is exactly the right place to be setting out on a project such as you are suggesting, hunter-g.  :)
Title: Re: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: alpha on May 04, 2013, 12:47:08 AM
For antique weights I would rank them as follows with the most common signature/date canes first and moving to the less common etc:
Clichy "C" canes
NEGC 1852 date canes
Saint Louis
Pietro Bigaglia/Franchini
Clichy full name cane
Islington Glass

PM me if you would like to buy a copy of the Signature Cane book.
Title: Re: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: KevinH on May 04, 2013, 12:50:06 AM
Thanks for your kind words, Sue. But to put things in context of Bruce's thoughts ...

With regard to "signed" weights, my investigations into Ysart items has not revealed anything that could be used to provide even an approximation of, for example, how many Paul Ysart weights were and were not "signed" in some way.  The problem with such an analysis is that even though there are some known large collections of Ysart weights, the data set from those alone would not be enough to draw a proper conclusion.

Whether such an analysis could be achieved for antique weights (French and Bohemian being the prime targets) would depend on the good will of private collectors (probably mainly in the USA) but who, I suspect, are unlikely to be contributors to public message boards.

The GMB could be used a central point for collating data but the actual data gathering would probably have to remain as a personal contact method with the various owners of the larger collections.
Title: Re: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: chopin-liszt on May 04, 2013, 09:12:32 AM
See? You have already made a big contribution with regard to how to go about it, where the information might be, and mentioning important caveats, Kevin.  8)
Title: Re: General Research on Signature Canes - Antique WTS
Post by: hunter-g on May 04, 2013, 05:42:33 PM
Thanks to all for the follow-ups & encouragement:
Yes, Alan, I have a copy of Andy's book (and the CD Addendum, which is even more full of amazing detail than one would think possible following such a thorough and enjoyable book! Definite recommend for those who haven't added them both to their library yet!) And thanks, Alpha / Andy, for the List following Alan's and others' comments.

As Kevin & Sue discussed, I'm sure it would be something of a logistical and practical dilemma as to how to solicit and compile input, but as one member in a separate thread mentioned, his aim (paraphrased, if I might) is to seek or contribute to information both for clarity and posterity, here on GMB. I see that as an appealing statement that I'm sure is embraced by many, past or present, near or far. As a Worldwide forum, I think it is clearly established as legitimate - as well as being a place where the casual inquiry and enjoyable exchange can add equally to that legitimacy, amidst occasionally (even often) more serious study. I suspect that would appeal to those various collectors and institutions who have not discovered GMB yet; and might at some point, be recognized as THE central point through which information on Glass (and in particular for us in this section, on Paperweights) is preserved.

Maybe something as simple as a "Poll" to start? As Alpha presented a list, maybe other collectors or contributors would be willing forward head-counts from their populations to begin adding numbers to each category? If simply Asked, & possibly under a New Topic / Thread: "Do You OWN Any Antique PWTs with Signature Canes?". Whether or not it would be a scientific poll would be a complex but possibly important incentive for prospective responses - and New Members. Just a thought.
Thanks, all!  h-g / Bruce
ps/ Mint Juleps expected to precede Post Time! Hang on to your hats, ladies!