Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria


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[1] Bohemian pressed? - ID = Frantisek Vizner for Hermanova hut' Sklo Union

[2] Waterstaining on an early Vizner vase for Sklo Union

[3] New discoveries from Brockwitz, Rindskopf, Inwald & Walther

[4] Letters on my glass - DRGM - 'tis a Mystery

[5] My first piece of, 'That orange stuff' ID = Inwald, 'Loop de Loop'

[6] Painted crackle glass pitcher

[7] I Had To Buy This, but don't have a clue.ID = Oberglas, Austria

[8] Is This a Lalique Piece? ID = Desna

[9] Rikaro Crystal - Czech


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