Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

US armed forces in India, 1930–47

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Bernard C:

--- Quote from: Bernard C ---... I have just acquired an example of the US version of Lillicrap's Hone from a seller who bought it in India.   Logic says that it shouldn't have been there, as the standard, rest-of-the-world version has an Indian patent number on it. ...
--- End quote ---

I made an incorrect assumption.   Having just discovered two more variations of the lettering on the underside, this example is more likely to be an early rest-of-the-world version, and so one of the two "correct" versions for India.

Tally to date:-
* 5 variations in lettering
* 7 variations in all
* 2 English language instruction sheets
* 3 English language boxes
Apologies for posting this query, but then I knew of only three variations in lettering.

Bernard C.  8)

No apology necessary, from one day to the next, availability of information changes.
I hope you continue to make discoveries, this is a fascinating subject with all its attendant history, that you are exploring.

Bernard C:
Thanks, Marcus.   I am deliberately keeping my little project to Wood Bros products with lettering, to make it realistic to complete.  However, the wider history of glassmaking in Yorkshire is quite fascinating, and I don't think many really appreciate the impact that great innovators like Dan Rylands had on the industry as a whole.

Bernard C.  8)


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