Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > USA

Tinypic / NORTHWOOD .?? // More Photographs

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fascinating, absolutely riveting. But what IS it?

I believe it's the bottom of a bottle. Perfectly logical, depending on your perspective! :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Skol, Sue.

Apologies for that....I logged in in order to test the links I was quoting regarding Tinypic and was then going to delete it........but I couldn't find a delete facility.
Anyway its the bottom view of what I understand to be a Northwood bowl...except on the site that I was reccomended to go to I couldn't find the colour. My reason for buying it ( via USA Ebay ) is that the dimensions of the foot and the overall appearanve , except the rim are virtually identical to a Davidsons No21 ( ???sure...??? ) bowl. The colouring also predates one of the Davidsons orange variations by approx10 years.
And also on the Northwood site I finally after 20 years found out why the black bases with 3 feet sometimes did not fit to any of the Davidsons pieces...because Northwood were producing them.
Thats the reason for the photo BUT while its on here now....can any please provide me with some dates regarding Northwood/orange glass.

Regards and thanks



I had the same question a few months ago about the same bowl in light blue - and it turned out to be Cambridge, not Northwood. They ran an almost identical production, with slight differences in colour. The year for the "azurite" blue one would be ca. 1922, but I was led to believe that true orange glass is something that doesn't occur before the thirties?

the ID came from a well documented US collector - I do not think we can be expected to have this type of documentation available, and it may not be online anywhere.


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