Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

Large engraved crystal claret/amphora

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Bernard C:

--- Quote from: Andy ---... I think thats 'Rock' Crystal ...
--- End quote ---

Andy — No, it's not Rock Crystal, which is quite distinct from this engraved work, although it can carry similar fine engraving.   Rock Crystal is deeply carved ornamentation on a thick, heavy, completely hand-blown blank.

See Hajdamach or Wolfenden.

Bernard C.  8)

Thanks Bernard,
I should have opened my books before my mouth :-X
Still, 3 out of 10 for effort!

Bernard C:
Andy — At least you were making a sensible suggestion.  There are no problems with me over that.

I have had just one example of genuine Rock Crystal through my hands, a wineglass.   I knew it was Rock Crystal when I picked it up;  it was so heavy that it stayed on the table and my arm stretched!   It was a very close match of Wolfenden plate 12 in both shape and decoration, which provided both the engraver's name, J. Palme of Thomas Webb, and a date, c. 1912.   I was tempted to keep it, as it was such a fabulous item, but a collector paid me enough to make me part with it.

Don't expect to make your fortune with Rock Crystal.   There are very few collectors, and prices are correspondingly low.   It might be a good time to collect it.

It's well worth investing in Ian Wolfenden's little illustrated exhibition catalogue.   I rate it as a 5-star reference work, and own three copies, all three easily cost-justified by my one acquisition and sale.  Broadfield House Glass Museum may have stock.

Finally, please always let me know if you find a genuine example of Rock Crystal.   I might be able to facilitate a quick sale, or might even decide to buy it for myself!

Bernard C.  8)


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