Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria

Both uranium and selenium in a weird glass basket? Czech?

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Anne E.B.:
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This weird looking bowl glows yellow under a UV light, where green can be seen on the picture, and dusky pink around the rim edge.  Does it contain both uranium and selenium, or something else?  I'm really confused ???

Any ideas as to its origins would also be much appreciated.

TIA  ;)

Here I go with nothing really to back this up.  ;) For me, it has a whiff of Czech glass from the 1950's.  It's hard to find information on that era though.  The 'stuck together' arms of the basket style have been used by Emanuel Beranek as seen on page 67 of Modern Bohemian Glass, but of course that style has been used by other countries too.  It's just the general attention to detail, the ribbed/vortexed appearance of the  sides that make me think Czech, plus the unusual colouring.

Quite probably it's by another designer from a different country altogether, but that's my ten penneth worth.  I think it looks pretty interesting, hope you find out more about it Anne.   :)

My first thought, Czech, similar to Skrdlovice, Marcus may know
Andy :)

how about this one :D

Not far off ;) ive had it for several years, and never checked it under UV until reading
this, and Hey Presto, it glows ;D
Its got a Gold Skrdlovice sticker which i think is 70s give or take a decade ;)
Andy  8)

Anne E.B.:
Thanks Max ;D  My thoughts too on it poss. being Czech.  The colours seemed all wrong for Murano and the shape quite different, not really being organic, but I just wasn't certain.

Andy - there's something very similar about your bowl and mine with the ribbing and colouring.  Glad you checked yours out with a UV light ;D  I only checked on mine having seen it in bright sunlight, where it came alive, but was really surprised to see the dusky pink also under UV. :o

Hopefully Marcus will look in 8)


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