Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

ROYO - not there quite yet but getting closer

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Here are 2 pics from a shop window in Toledo with several enameled ROYO pieces. Royo pieces turn up regularly and there are several books around which repeat the rumour that these were made by Moser in the 1930s - which Moser denies, by the way. It is a bit of a mystery because there seems to be no factory of that name on record.
Now on a grand tour around Spain I saw more tack than you can shake a stick at - but only ONE shop which carried Royo pieces. The sticker reads "Hand painted - made in Spain" - so it seems likely that Royo is a very small outfit in Toledo.
The pieces in the shop were fairly large and had prices of E550 each - so even if you knocked them down by 50% it would still be an expensive glass type.

See also thread:,2048.0.html

This turned up for me today, I bought it hoping it was Royo....

Royo covered vessel with butterflies, approximately 9":  

...and it is!  :D Hmm.  I'm not quite sure what to do with it now...the shed perhaps?  :lol:  :roll:


  Any chance you remember the name of the store in Toledo that had all the Royo pieces in the window? I'll be in Toledo next week and was hoping to stop in....



You will most likely find the shop in the side street from Calle Santo Tomé close by the entrance to the Santo Tomé Church - famous for the large El Greco painting "Funeral of the Count of Orgaz".

Just in case anyone feels like rehashing the old Moser making 'Royo' myth. Here's a current auction on EBAY that features the 'Royo' signature and it has an 'Arte Catalan Made in Spain' label on it.

Nice work but obviously contemporary and obviously not made by Moser.

Hopefully this will put the whole 'Moser Royo' topic to bed once and for all! :roll:



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