Scandinavian Glass 1930-2000 Fire & Sea. Leslie Pina
I bought both the above & Smoke & Ice and yes, the pictures really are terrific. The one small grouse I have is that the labels section at the back gives no idea of dates or date ranges during which time they were in use. I don't know if that is nigh on impossible but some idea would be really helpful, at least an end date beyond which they were no longer used. There are also many items illustrated which give no idea of the date of manufacture or design.
Besides this, I can't tell how many pieces I have picked up and identified solely through these two books - they get more use than all my other reference books put together and I have spent many happy hours drooling over them!
Scandinavian Glass 1930-2000 Fire & Sea. Leslie Pina
I have eagerly awaited this book for over two years and couldn't believe it when it was in my hot little hands.
The first thing that struck me were the colors, amazing colors. The pictures are first rate.
The book mainly consists of pictures with captions. I like the fact that included are items that of course only a museum or very wealthy person could afford, but also many items that can be found and are affordable. I learned I have two Aseda decanters, but alas without their stoppers.
For the serious collector there is a section where 35 companies are listed with short histories. Also a chapter of 77 designers with short biographies. The lable and signature section again has great pics.
I would have to say that if Scandinavian glass is your thing it is a good book. My one comment that will not be too flattering is that to me the title is a bit misleading. The vast majority of items date from the 60s and 70s into the 90s. The title would lead you to believe that the 30s and 40s are covered and they are not, but all in all I am glad I have it. It is a great companion to Smoke & Ice.
Text © Terry 2006
Scandinavian Glass 1930-2000 Fire & Sea. Leslie Pina
I have been drooling over my new copy of Fire and Sea for the last couple of weeks. It is a gorgeous book.
I have found many items I didn't know existed. I have also spotted glass for sale that is in the book. Really helps to identify them.
It is just as good as Smoke and Ice but actually more useful as most glass is in bright colours.
It is worth every penny.
Vidfletch Very Happy
Text © Vidfletch 2006