thanks for thinking of me Tim. You say magazines, which presumably are only parts of a full volume, and I do know that the 'Studio' was published in parts (whether monthly or what I'm unsure).
I tend to collect the Studio only when bound into full volumes (think they started some time around 1890), and have been trying to buy only those issued during the art nouveau period (c. 1890 to about 1915 ish), then breaking and picking up again around 1925 to about 1940 for the deco years - think they went on to some time about the 1960's.
Appreciate the offer, but I now have most of these years, and have also found the Studio year books of decorative art equally useful - they're a little thinner, and concentrate more on contemporary design for ceramics, glass, fabrics, etc., rather than architecture, and art.
Condition is sometimes poor, but provide content is clean then no problem.
None of these has over much on glass, but Whitefriars, Scandi, Chance, T/Webb and Webb Corbett are covered with fairly good pix, to some extent in all of the volumes.
Not often as cheap as I'd like, but they give a good view of changes in trends for decorative and domestic styles.
If you do see them at reasonable prices, I'd suggest buying - they will only become more scarce as the years go by.