Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Allan Scott 's paperweights

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Yes, they are one-offs.  Yes, they are for sale.  Yes, 'Rainforest' is available!   :D

I know, because I just took my 'reserve' off it, after deciding to have the 'Neptune' instead!   :lol:

Leni  :wink:

BTW, forgot to say many, many thanks for posting the pics!   :D

Allan said that there still in the Strathearn Gallery in Crieff, and to go through them if anyone want to purches them as they support a lot of local artists

Next weekend a lot of us will be in Perth for the conference... side trip, are they open Sunday afternoon?

:D Yes.

The new exhibition is of paintings by Claire Harkess, opening today (Sat 30th)

Hi All you nice people,
                               Thanks for all the nice comments about the weights,I am trully "CHUFFED" as they say up here(thats "pleased" to those that don't know and think I have a terrible disease,lol).I thought I would tell you that the weights are being kept on display at the gallery for the next couple of weeks.They wanted them for longer; so if those of you who are going to the Ysart convention would like to see them,I will tell them they can keep them untill after the conventions finished.Post a reply on this thread if you want me to do that.Thanks again for the positive comments.
               Allan :D


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