Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

message for Leni

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Hi Leni,
          I just wanted to check if you got my e.mail about "NEPTUNE".I have heard from a couple of friends , that they did'nt recieve e.mails that I had sent.I did not want you to think I had not replied to you.If you did'nt get it please let me know and I will resend it.Thanks again for liking it enough to buy it. :D

Thanks Allan, I got your message.  Sorry I didn't reply yet  :oops: - I'm waiting to hear from Fiona and was going to contact you again then.  Will email you  :D


:D The grapevine, strikes! I was in the Strathearn Gallery yesterday, and "Neptune" is no longer on display.

:D   Congrats on buying Neptune Leni!   It's beautiful!  :D

Anne E.B.:
Any chance Leni of having a look at Neptune, pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese???? :shock: :lol:

Anne E.B. :wink:


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