Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Glass Paperweights finals on Brass Andirons St Clair?


Hello. I bought a pair of brass andirons that had very large, grapefruit sized glass paperweights on the tops as fineals. Each one has white double flowers inside. I can't find a signature. Does anyone here have any information about this kind of item? Thanks very much!

People often dismiss these style of weights as 'Chinese'  :roll:  but I think they could be Bohemian or possibly Indian.  There is a big glass industry in Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh, and I have seen 'Ice Pick' flower weights like yours attributed to them.

Where did you buy the andirons?  Are they old?  Could you post a picture of the whole thing, as the style might give us a further clue  :D


I bought the andirons at a thrif store! They have a number on the bottom of each one but that is all. I don't know if it is a production number or a pat number.

here is a phto of the andirons.. not a very good, I will try and get a better one this afternoon.


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