Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Exhibition - Reminder (or notification)


Don't forget that this coming Saturday, 13th Aug 2005, there is a "Paperweight Day" at Broadfield House Glass Museum.

This will include an "All Things Scottish" exhibition as well as two lectures by Bob Hall, author of three books on paperweights, and paperweight making demonstrations by Alastair Macintosh, who had designed excellent weights for Caithness Glass.

Open from 10 am until 4 pm.

Further details via:

[30 or so of my more interesting Ysart weights will be on show - not to be missed  :!: ]

Dragging husband 'oop to t'Midlands' 'specially for this one!  (Actually, he's really quite looking forward to it!  :wink: )

Wouldn't miss it for anything!   :D

Anyone else from the boards going to be there?  (Apart from me & Kevin, obviously  :roll:  :lol:  )


Deleted, as irrelevant post now removed.  

Thanks, Frank & Angela  



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