Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Malta Glass

Is this Mtarfa? Beautiful vase whatever!

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Hello Lyn,
Any chance of some pictures of this "similar" glass?

Can anyone tell me how my tinypic links are now 'no show' - all my early ones are still OK

Sorry to peeps who now can't see my Mdina, Phoenician and Mtarfa

Good point the bit I listed as experimental Mdina with the split top is Mtarfa as I bought this 1990s bit today - I think the other bit is earlier but they are both same design even if the sigs are all over place

Original bit to check sig

Adam D555 :twisted:  :twisted:

Adam, the pics on Tinypics sometimes just seem to vanish without any reason... I remember someone saying Photobucket doesn't have the same problem, so may be worth checking out? Failing that, if you have access to some webspace you could use a gallery script to create your own online photo album (this is what I do on my webspace).  Another option would be to create galleries on Webshots as I think they allow private as well as public albums now.

Thanks Anne

I get a lot of free webspace with aol - I use it for my business and the hyperlinks work well - I can create as big a page as I want I just link to the within that page

But I am lazy and Tinypics was so much easier

I will probably use my own space from now own, as long as I keep each pic down to under 200kb as I could end up with a gigantic database LOL

Adam D555 :twisted:  :twisted:

Hi Anne

Yeah but those lazy days are done - I can just create a huge page with all my new buys in it and cherry pick when I want to hyperlink something

Like this new piece of Mdina I bought today (I do work .. but I own my own company, mmmmm say my partners)

This is really heavy and about 8" high - it is like a 'bust' in glass form - I think it's 70s with the colouring and mark - £18.00 you gotta go for it eh

Adam D555 :twisted:  :twisted:


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