Glass Mall > Glass Market Place
acrylic paperweight stands - help please
Can anyone help point me in the right direction as to where I can buy acrylic paperweight stands. I've looked on EBay without success and tried Google - not a huge help.
Thanks very much
Get yourselfthese acrylic "photo blocks" from the pound shop - they slide apart and provide two good stands at virtually no cost. They also double your shelf space.
Thanks for your response - unfortunately or fortunately I live in France so I need to be able to purchase through the internet.
Go to: and search for "stands"
Here's the info you'll find:
Display Stands
View Display Stands items in: Misc. & Display
click for other views
Set of 6 Regular Paperweight Stands
Our best selling stand. Suitable for nearly all paperweights between the sizes of 2 1/2" and 3 3/4". The paperweight in the detail photo using the Regular stand has a diameter of 2 7/8".
(ZZ7) $24 Add To Order
--- Quote from: MHJ02 on July 23, 2009, 10:12:31 AM ---Thanks for your response - unfortunately or fortunately I live in France so I need to be able to purchase through the internet.
--- End quote ---
Fortunately - I'm sure. If you cannot pick these up at M.Brico or the Géant Casino - try shops that supply display materials to the local trade.
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