Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

Here are the Glass Beads, and such. (Leni? Sue?)

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I know that this is off topic, and I apologize for getting this started.  

I want to answer Leni and Sue, it really tickles me that you are interested in my very humble roots.  So here are the other pics, of beadwork,etc.  All the beads are glass, the hair is a clipping from somewhere in Grandma Bushes past.  (blonde?)

The "shakers" were made by my great uncle from gourds, my husband put the finish on them.  The dish of crystals also belonged to her, I found them in her sewing box.  

The very odd hat vase was also hers, it seems so out of place.  Maybe it was a gift, as they were very poor.  Can you tell me anything about it?  I will be happy to post more pics if needed.

The one crystal at the 7o'clock position, surrounded by the arrow points, is my favorite, it has been held and rubbed, it just feels special.

Thank you so very much for your patience and interest, I have loved showing you this.  When I get the other pics from my sister, the thief!!, I will post them, all the regalia and costumes at the pow wows (dances) are awsome.  

Linda   (er, that is if I don't get scolded for Off Topic posting)  moccassins    moccassins    moccassins     beadwork     beadwork    Grandma     shakers    crystles

Wow! :shock:  Thanks so much for sharing your family history with us in this way, Linda!   :D  As we said before, those beads are glass so you are NOT off-topic at all!  

I am intrigued by the blonde hair!  Was it a 'scalp' grandma took?  :shock:  :lol:

Ooops! :oops:  Sorry! :oops:  I hope that wasn't non-PC! :oops:  :roll:  

Can't wait to see the other pics!  Many thanks again  :D



Hi, Leni.  I know there was a hush-hush from any elders when we asked about the lock of hair.  In my "elder" years now, I look back and wonder if it was a blond (or redheaded) baby.  She, and all the women, helped with birthings, but it will remain a mystery I suppose.  Any one's secrets are theirs to keep, and I wish I hadn't questioned, you know?  I'm sure she forgives me, because I know she has looked upon me and protected me many times thru out my life, she has been gone over 30 years, now.  She always smelled of garlic, always, and I swear I can feel (and smell) her presence from time to time.

Have a good evening, It's 5:30 here,

Cathy B:
Thank you for sharing this with us, Linda! It genuinely is nice to get to know you more. Isn't your grandmother beautiful?

Trying to get back on topic, do you know where the glass beads would have been made? Are they European?

Kind regards,

There may be a sad story behind the lock of hair.

Hello, again,

I was aware that there was a sort of communal gathering for the beading and weaving, and whatever work the women did.  I think that also there was a central type of depository, (for want of a better word)for their supplies.  If these beads are old enough, I suppose they would be European,  there was alot of trade going on, way back in time.  The picture is from the summer of 1915, and I think by then there was a trading post.

Most of my kin would not talk too much of their Native American roots, and quite alot would deny it.  Reminds me of the country song; "I was country when country wasn't cool".  It wasn't untill the kids began going to college on government money, that our family gatherings renewed some of the old traditions.  The story telling and teaching became more open and public.

You see, I never saw a reservation myself.  The pictures that I did see were far removed from the romantic notion of the Native American heritage.  What I saw was abject poverty.  As I grew older and was exposed to the renewal of some of the "old ways" I began to see a deeply spiritual people, these wonderfully proud kinfolk of mine.

And, Oh, my gosh, the Pow Wow's are so richly rewarding!  The old timers just glow.  

I started researching the moccassins last year, and find that just the design alone tell a story.  The story in these designs that I have are of Christianity coming into a life, to be brief.

Again, thanks for your interest and please know I am proud to know you..also.



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