Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria

FWK label, a great find,- ID = Welz

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had a great experience on one of my fleamarket strolls last Saturday. the story
however begins around last Easter...
while browsing through the great-glass site i spotted a little vase in their
unknown Austro-Bohemian section bearing an FWK label. to avoid the impression
i was knowledgeable in any way - i had come across this label two days ago on Franz Welz Klostergrab.
after an initial thought of "why contacting people you don't know.." I decided
"why NOT contacting people you don't know..."
so I let them know about my find, gave them the link to it, got a nice reply and
thought "so much for it!".
I had further looks at the vase from time to time and began to like it more and more.
such vivid colours!
last weekend however i made an excellent find: a lidded box with exactly the same
decoration! assuming there are not too many of these around - what a coincidence!
i like to think (a tiny superstitious bit) it was a quantum of karma.
here's a picture of it:
needless to say: i was told it is Murano!  ::)

Ohhhh Dirk, that *is* unusual! What an interesting story.... I think we need to move this over to GLASS as we'll lose it from Cafe after so long, and it's a useful piece of information as well as your story. :)

I tend to think that your 'eye' becomes attuned to a design, you may well have seen them before but gave them no attention, this all changes when you sensitise yourself to something (sounds like awful waffle).
The brain is very good at pattern recognition, most (if not all) of the processing goes on in the background and our conscious minds are only alerted to any 'interesting' results, everything else is ignored.
Recently I can not stop finding Whitefriars bud vases, much to the delight of a friend who loves Whitefriars.

I thought all glass was Murrano or Witefriers!


John, you're absolutely right about "selective perception", but how does a term like that sound in a good story?  ;)

finding an item as this however remains a strong coincidence IMHO.

BTW some months ago i bought a "Maroni" vase. I told the seller that i think it's a Czech vase. he insisted: "perhaps, but made of maroni-glass". 

What an unusual colourway and design!  Thanks for sharing.  :D


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