Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

Czech Chrysoprase Glass - who made it

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Ahh I forgot about 'Chrysoprase Glass' - I remember you mentioning it in a thread or perhaps on your website.

So it could be a range name by a particular company 'Chrysophase' or a general name for a type of glass and used by lots of companies 'Chrysoprase Glass'

--- Quote ---1838 the Choisy-le-Roi factory in France was producing uranium glass. In 1843 the French glassworks, Baccarat, started making uranium glass, which they called "cristal dichroide" and also introduced an opaque apple-green version which they named "chrysoprase"
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I am sure term 'Chrysoprase Glass' comes from the 'Chrysoprase' stone in some way - the stone is referred to often as a green opal


Adam P

I may be talking out of my hat here but I suspect that in the gemstone world chrysophase is a much perpetuated typo for chrysoprase, it's easier to say for a start.

Chryso is from the greek krusos for gold and prase from the greek prason = leek. Which kind of makes sense, green gold, i.e. highly valued semi-precious stone in green colour or green glass like the green stone

Chrysophase = krusos + phases.  Phases is the plural of phasis = greek for aspect. Hence Chrysophase = golden aspect. Which also makes sense as a made up name for glass containing gold.

It's to early for logomachy! I'll dig further later.

Use Czaech as the base language :-) and it is Chrysophase.


Christine - I looked it up in Wikipedia an apparently the stone does go by both names and has for some time. That will teach me to go by glass books alone  :oops:

--- Quote ---Chrysoprase (also chrysophrase) is a gemstone variety of chalcedony (fibrous form of quartz) that contains small quantities of nickel. Its color is normally apple-green, but varies to deep green
--- End quote ---

So the glass term was taken from the name of the stone and it seems at some point despite its original naming by Baccarat as Chrysoprase the other name (I feel dizzy now) came into use for the same glass?

One point though Christine, Frank's pieces don't look like the normal clear green Chrysoprase (an H anyone) glass I see?

In any case it's not a range name it's a generic form of glass - mmm that widens the hunt.

Mind you if it had been narrow I am sure Frank would have acquired an attribution by now - he is after all an excellent researcher :)  :wink:

Adam P

You have to remember that Wikipedia is written by ordinary people not experts. Every dictionary (and I have large versions of several of the reputable ones) I have looked in only gives chrysoprase as the stone and the Google references seemed to be mostly jewellery or gemstone sellers not mineralogical sites. I was only trying to suggest the origin of the name. Brand names are often made up on the basis of greek and latin derivations with subtle twists to suit the product. We do it at work. I'm pursuing a Czech lead and will get back


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