Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

Portieux Jade Green Vanity Set

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I bought this set the other day.  It is both impressed marked Portieux on 1 piece and another has a PV France label.  Does any know the pattern name and approximate date made? I get conflicting info on the use of the impressed mark and label on the internet  :?  Also what is the correct name for the color - it is a translucent dark jade green, very lovely.

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Hi Connie!
what a beautiful set!!!
I traced it: Portieux catalogue 1933 (may be older - this was my first try)
on 'planche 145' (page 145)
Garniture de Toilette SUÉDOISE (Trinket set 'Swedish')
the colour is 'vert de pommes' - apple green

Portieux and Vallérysthal operated a lot together, that is why you read PV on one of the items - IMHO this single piece was not for sale but a sample without commercial value at that time  :)

Thank you, Pamela.

I am still confused about the label. You say

--- Quote ---Portieux and Vallérysthal operated a lot together, that is why you read PV on one of the items - IMHO this single piece was not for sale but a sample without commercial value at that time
--- End quote ---

By single item - Do you mean just the piece with the paper label (it is the tall jar) or do you mean the whole set?

Here is an article I found on the internet which really has me confused.

Article on Portiuex Hen on Nest - Pdf file
 This quote is on page 8.

--- Quote ---MARKS:
Items may be marked or not marked. Items may or may not have a sticker or label.
If a piece is signed Vallerysthal, it was made at the factory anytime up until 1942. If
the piece is signed Portieux it could be old or it could be new as pieces with that mark are
still being produced (1986 sic). The P.V. sticker has been used since after the Second World
War. [ON Apr:86:XXX] Pinkston1 says that the “PV” sticker was used on export items from
about 1890 until 1970. It is reported that Mitteldorfer Straus, Inc., of New York imported
items from France in the 1950s.2 Supposedly, the “PV” stands for “Peasant Village,” a name
that this wholesaler still uses on many imported items.4
--- End quote ---

Connie, what a find on that PV label!
I did not know anything about this - I only presumed P+V also regarding the poor quality of the sticker

I guess your set is a collection of items of same pattern over the years and by incident also a PV item and a PORTIEUX marked item were added

Portieux also offered the water bottle and some more items


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