Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria

35cm tall bark type blue vase - ID = Oberglas


Tall vase with bark type exterior and plain base. It has an incised cut/ridge about 3/4 inch from the top rim. Ravenhead, Whitefriars, Royale Castle ?? I'm confuddled!

Looks like Oberglas from Austria to me

Here's a forum link to my (same) vase which was then thought to be Ingridglas?  I am most confused by this vase, is it seems to have no definite provenance, have been trying to find out since I bought it about 7 years ago.,25920.msg143312.html#msg143312

Cathy B:
Hi - do you have a reference for this ID? It's always a good idea to have a link back to your source, or at least to tell us where the identification came from.


--- Quote from: Cathy B on April 28, 2010, 02:54:03 AM ---Hi - do you have a reference for this ID? It's always a good idea to have a link back to your source, or at least to tell us where the identification came from.

--- End quote ---

As an update,

I have today had a confirmation email from Oberglas regarding the vase as below, I emailed to ask if there were any back catologues and also attached images of my vase.


Unfortunately not but we have asked one of the employees who is working for Oberglas for more than 35 years and he definitely told that the inquired vase according to your photo has been made at Oberglas.

Best regards,

Hochtregisterstrasse 1-3
A-8572 Bärnbach"


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