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Author Topic: Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?  (Read 3088 times)

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Offline pamela

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2010, 03:24:33 PM »
Paul, guess you also saw this image

As far as I can judge from the photo this vase has got both G.BRIT and AUSTRALIA numbers

This vase belongs to my friend Anja, I'll ask her whether it's still there.


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Offline Paul S.

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2010, 03:37:43 PM »
thanks Pamela  -  and no, I hadn't seen this piece.    Possibly unique maybe with both marks.   I wonder if Chris Stewart is aware of this?  

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 05:24:15 PM »
There's nothing unusual in these vases having both marks. In fact, all that I've handled have had both the British & Australian marks. As Chris Stewart points out Davidson started registering their designs in Australia in 1939 after their 255 Barrel shape beer mug was copied in Japan, presumably for export to Australia.

Offline pamela

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2010, 10:12:26 AM »
Paul, Anja prefers to keep the vase, it was expensive and she loves the colour. However I could convince her that you'd need the wheel more than she does, as it is English, and bought it as a gift for you  :thup:

She points out that there are at least two 'lines' leading from a hole to the outer rim which could be stress cracks, but I guess these are normal?

Have lost your address - please mail to arminewa and I shall post it after the ashes vanished  :P
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Offline Paul S.

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2010, 11:50:20 AM »
Pamela  -  you are a 'brick'  -  English slang for telling you that you are wonderful  -  a million thanks, and will send you an off board email today or tomorrow.  Tell Anja Paul sends a kiss or two :kissy:

Offline pamela

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2010, 07:15:30 AM »
posted yesterday as 'maxi'-letter, should be with you soon - hopefully in one piece  :gfit:
Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass, wer auf irgendeinem Gebiet zu sammeln anfängt, eine Wandlung in seiner Seele anheben spürt. Er wird ein freudiger Mensch, den eine tiefere Teilnahme erfüllt, und ein offeneres Verständnis für die Dinge dieser Welt bewegt seine Seele.
Experience teaches that anyone who begins to collect in any field can feel a change in his soul. He becomes a joyful man filled with a deeper empathy, and a more open understanding moves his soul.
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Offline Paul S.

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2010, 11:35:46 AM »
my thanks again Pamela  -  I will look foward to receiving the 'wheel' to complete my vase :)

Offline Paul S.

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2010, 07:34:37 PM »
Pamela  -  I am over the moon with joy, for today I have received your parcel with the 'wheel' for my Smoke Ripple vase, which is a gift from Anja.  Please tell your friend that Paul is ecstatic because his little vase is now once more complete with it's insides.   Although quite hard, it fits comfortably and very well, and sits there beaming and smiling at me, and if I drink any more I shall fall off the chair.   But seriously, as Michelle says, a miwyon thanks from England, and I will treasure your gift always.

Offline pamela

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Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2010, 04:51:52 AM »
Paul, your joy is catching and worth a miwyon  :pty:  :-*
Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass, wer auf irgendeinem Gebiet zu sammeln anfängt, eine Wandlung in seiner Seele anheben spürt. Er wird ein freudiger Mensch, den eine tiefere Teilnahme erfüllt, und ein offeneres Verständnis für die Dinge dieser Welt bewegt seine Seele.
Experience teaches that anyone who begins to collect in any field can feel a change in his soul. He becomes a joyful man filled with a deeper empathy, and a more open understanding moves his soul.
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Offline Paul S.

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Re: Davidson 'Ripple' vase - did it have a frog or not?
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2010, 05:00:10 PM »
not having seen a 'Ripple' vase for several years, I have now found another within a matter of several months - so just thought it might be of interest to show an 'Emerald' version alongside the 'Smoke' vase.   Quit a coincidence that they are both the same size, unfortunately.   I'm thinking that the green vase would have been a very late production piece (1960's), since the Reg. No./Nos. are virtually obliterated, and in fact at first I thought this had been produced without them, but there is just a vague something showing on the base.'t suppose Anja has a green 'wheel support' ;D....only joking. :)


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