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Author Topic: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?  (Read 5449 times)

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2024, 10:50:33 PM »
Really interesting Cagney. Thank you for posting links.
The different colour blues on the same piece is strange to me:

Other odd things that occur to me - the ball on this doesn't seem to 'go with' the piece:

And the domed foot - is that normal for Sandwich glass? Is it hollow I wonder?

Re Christine's vase - I would search French first I think, partly because of the green of the opaline and partly because the ribbed and dotted design on the body is something they used on a particular type of vase called a Jasmine vase.  That is a different shape completely to Christine's item but it's still a design link that would not make me discount a French maker. 
Some examples here:
Also the design of the foot. 

That said, I know nothing about American glass so there is  a huuuuge body of glass that I couldn't even contemplate trying to compare to.  I'd think it more unlikely to find American glass here however with international sales I guess it becomes more likely than it was in the past.

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2024, 11:21:05 PM »
A green and white version of the blue ones you showed Cagney here:

The foot on these is different to your shorter version.

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2024, 07:34:52 PM »
  I think the different hues of blue may be a function of the lighting [how much light passes through at different points]. The same vase with virtually the same type ball in the green/white color way is pictured in the sandwich guide I mentioned earlier. The colors are homogeneous, that photo is more back lit.

   Sandwich used the "oval" hobnail prodigiously in colognes, puff boxes, lamp fonts, other type vases and finials. Pressed and mold blown. To say there is an affinity toward the French could well be an understatement.

  As to the open bottom foot I have kinda made my peace with it. The pictures I have seen of the bottom view there is a rough pontil mark on the inside. Not cracked off, then grind and polish the foot rim which I associate more with middle Europe.

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2024, 08:20:14 PM »
  A couple of examples of very French Sandwich glass in the 'oval" hobnail pattern.
The puff box matches almost perfectly the the sugar no 43  illustrated in m's first link of pressglas-korrespondenz provided earlier in this thread. The difference according to Barlow/Kaisers sandwich guide is that the American version has a rough pontil mark inside the lid under the stem and the French version does not. They also say the French version is lighter in weight. The blue under plate in the link has 16 points and the French illustrated in pressglas-korrespondenz 14 points.

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2024, 08:56:48 PM »
The shape on the sugar box is very different as well though?  At least to my eye.  The B &S appears taller and more rounded square.  The French version is oval.  The underplate is very different.  So I think the differences can be easily seen IF you were aware there were American versions and French versions.  I suppose it underlines the need to ensure the design details are an accurate match. 

Thanks so much for all the links and information.  It's extremely interesting looking at the way inspiration was used at various factories.
Are there pattern books for the B&S versions at all?

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2024, 05:33:10 PM »
  Perhaps I was too vague as to the French sugar.  No. 43 in the catalogue illustrations, Saint Louis 1872 almost at the end. A more tapered shape but still round, the under plate illustrated below in half plate.

   Only one Sandwich catalogue known. It consist of goods lined up on shelfs against a black wall photographed. 80 pages and undated. Barlow/Kaiser settle on a date circa 1880. Nothing of the sort discussed in this thread.

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2024, 07:13:56 PM »
No my fault for not scrolling further to the end.
It's a very similar design. Not quite the same shape (or size maybe given one has 16 petal underplate and the other 14?) but  closely related.

This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing your information and knowledge :)


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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2024, 11:56:56 PM »
This dates to early 1880s I think  but the information in here is relevant to our discussion on this thread ref French and American similarities.
See page 400 for information on how someone from Boston allegedly bought glass samples of each item from Compagnie des Cristallerie de Baccarat and then, the report says, those samples were copied and the French sales to the States ceased thereafter:

As I say, this dates to I think the early 1880s though and is referencing copying allegedly happening  4 or 5 years earlier so 1870s ish: see photo.
Unfortunately the report merely talks about Baccarat launching new coloured glass designs and that samples of each of those were bought. It doesn't describe exactly what the designs were, what the colours were, or whether they were opaline glass.  So not much help to us.

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Re: Mid 19th century opaline vase with ruffled rim & blue pineapple knop?
« Reply #49 on: April 19, 2024, 05:24:21 AM »
Great research, thank you

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