Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Twists glass Edinburgh paperweights

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Two weights made by Mike Hunter in his well attended demo at the conference may be offered in the near future... and I am also sure we will get some good pics of the demo up soon too.

First of all I would like to congratulate Frank on this event. With the help of Shiona Airlie and the helpful people at the Edinburgh College of Art a great event was realised - with many interesting lectures and several demonstrations at the ECA glass studio.

In his first demo Mike produced two paperweights, the first being a millefiori closepack. Here is a selection of images from this demo - in two parts, as only 4 images per post are allowed.

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Mike then used the left over glass from the first weight for a second one, by "painting" stems and leaves on the surface with thin green rods; in a second step millefiori canes were added as flowers.

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