Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Name of Selkirk paperweight

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I was asked for help identifying this weight (images below). A silvery/white structure is hovering over a black base. Signature reads "Selkirk Glass Scotland 1980", and there is a PH cane in the centre of the base.

I do not find this weight in my 1978 and 1979 Selkirk catalogues; 1980 is one of the two catalogues missing in my collection; the weight is not shown in the 1981 catalogue. So most likely the weight was first issued in 1980, and more or less sold out the same year (although it is known that Selkirk still sold weights in later years than year of issue, without including them in later catalogues).

From John Simmonds' book "Paperweights from Great Briatin 1930-2000" I know the names of several Selkirk weights first issued in 1980, with names suggesting a space theme (which the weight in question looks like). So I guess we are looking for one of those:
> Dark Star
> Mariner
> Moonglow
> Space Probe

Does anyone out there have any of these weights - or the 1980 catalogue - and can help?


Based on the design, which suggests a spacecraft with three landing feet,  I would have thought 'Mariner' or 'Space Probe'. But the Mariner series spacecraft did their stuff in the 1960s, so I vote for 'sapce Probe' based on nothing more than applied guesswork!



--- Quote from: tropdevin on October 14, 2010, 09:03:38 PM ---..., so I vote for 'Space Probe' based on nothing more than applied guesswork!
--- End quote ---

This was also my favourite - for the same reasons - but it would be nice to be sure  :D

Hi Wuff,

If you do not get a definitive answer here why don't you ask Peter Holmes directly? I don't think that he will mind.


Dont think its space probe, think I have one and it doesnt look like that.  Will have to have a look through my collection which I'm afraid is packed away in the main at the moment, will get back to you.  I do have a lot of earlier selkirk weights, prettys sure I have 2 or 3 of those listed.

Must actually get round to photographing them all so they go onto scotlands glass at some point!



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