Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights


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I have just joined this site primarily to find out about a load of glassware that I have just acquired.
Let me explain.
I do house and barn clearances here (in France). Normally it's just the regular junk that I may be able to sell or more likely take to the tip. Amongst the last few loads was a lot of glass - bottles, jars paperweights, etc. I think some of it might be semi valuable and some might be worth preserving for future generations. I don't know so I'm turning to you guys for any help or advice you feel you might be able to offer.
I hope you don't mind. I also hope that it isn't against Site Rules so I get booted off.

The first thing I would like to know about it a Caithness "Fireball" paperweight. Etched on the bottom is the number "H35285" (the 5 might be "S" but it looks like 5). I know it's not rare, but is it worth selling? If so, roughly how much could I ask for it? Would it be better to sell in England or France? Where can I find more information about this paperweight?

Thanks for any input on this



Maybe more will show up as sold in a 'completed listings' search on this site.

Hi there
The weight was designed by Colin Terris in 1983
I have currently got a caithness Fireball paperweight listed on ebay, so if you are on ebay you can watch that to give you an idea of value, I cant put a link on but you can search for me on ebay seller name sixpence0_8
Best way to get an idea of values is search completed listings on ebay.
if not its got another 2 days to go and i can let you know what it sold for


--- Quote from: KrazeyLady on November 14, 2010, 12:13:51 PM ---Etched on the bottom is the number "H35285" (the 5 might be "S" but it looks like 5).
--- End quote ---

The present numbering system for unlimited weights was introduced by Caithness in 1983: a leading character (identifying the year of manufacture) followed by a running number. H indicates 1990 as year of manufacture, and this will be the 35285th unlimited weight finished that year.

Thanks for the replies. Will check out the links and EBay this evening.
Thanks again



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