Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Chalet Artistic Canada glass paperweights



Antiquerose suggested that I share some ifo and pics of regarding Chalet paperweights as she felt it would be of interest - I am new to the GMB and would love to participate more but am somewhat at a loss to what and where!

Anyways, Chalet Artistic Canada did do paperweights and this is a signed one. They are very rare - Maestro Panizzon worked at Chalet from 1963-1975 and mine was the first one he had ever seen! In fact, he just about fell over when I showed the signature to him (he was having a sneak preview of the Chalet glass exhibit that is currently mounted in Cornwall, Ontario) as he had challenged me "Not Chalet"LOL.  They also did mushrooms and animal figurines and some of those given size, shape and weight could be considered paperweights but weren't specifically designed for that use.

Deborah (chaletvintageartglass)

 :hiclp: :hiclp:  Thank you so much for the Pic, and the info Deb.

I am here in Canada as you know -- and have NEVER EVER seen a Chalet PW, let alone one that is signed.  I never knew they existed.  I am so Glad that you posted this here and it is time that us *glassies* here become more knowledgeable....and that Chalet receives it due recognition.

I think they must be Pretty RARE....

I am sure some of the PW Collectors would like to *add* a signed piece to their collection.....the *hunt* is on.

Thanks so much for the Post.   :thup:

Hey Deb, welcome to the GMB  :hi:

Must've been an interesting moment when challenged about it not being Chalet, then showing the signature, hey?!    :rah: :rah: 

Thanks for the information about the paperweight - the good thing about the GMB is that we provide an service to keep information about glass in perpetuity here.  This means that anyone searching for 'Chalet Canada paperweights' will find this information in the future, so thank you.  (and welcome, again)  :-*

Hi again,

Yes - one of the best parts about doing the exhibit was getting the Chalet glass blowers to go over all the pieces - we have 328 on display. I had a table filled with unsigned pieces I "had a feeling" about - most of them were ChaletLOL but 8 got "Wants to be Chalet but is not"LOL. They were sold to a friend who is an expert on Lorraine Glass Industries who had travelled to the exhibit to meet the Maestros as many of them came to Canada to work at Lorraine but were "recruited" to Chalet.Ha! Angleo Tedesco knew talent! I literally flew home (I live 2 hours away from Cornwall) though and got my site administrator to take 2 pieces off my web site that I was selling as Chalet!!!!!!!!!! We sure learn the most from our mistakes.

Thanks again antiquerose for encouraging me to share info re Chalet - don't want to come across as a "know-it-all". Just lucky to have been given a unique opportunity to collect and learn.



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