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Author Topic: Pair of birds Scandinavian? ID = Archimede Seguso  (Read 8140 times)

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Offline chopin-liszt

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2011, 11:13:30 AM »
Ok, so I'm a grumpy old pedant, I don't care.  :P
I was brought up to speak and write english the old-fashioned way, when marks were deducted for bad spelling and grammar - in any subject.
Buyers are forever complaining about bad/wrong descriptions, and if you listed these as a "pair" your buyer would have recourse to complain. A pair is complementary, not identical.
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

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Offline glassobsessed

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2011, 01:43:43 PM »
Sue you are not old, surely Grumpy Middle Aged Pedant, admittedly not quite as catchy. >:D

Anyway, I thought I was the resident pedant, this forum may not be big enough for the both of us.... ;D


Offline TxSilver

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2011, 02:58:52 PM »
Arhimede Seguso. There is a pink alabastro bird of this form at The pink bird has a bit more of a sharpness to the beak, probably because of the glass it is made from. The form looks the same to me. I have some AS pieces that are the same shade of blue. If you would like to put your birdies in the zoo, just send pictures. They are always welcome and I am sure of the ID.
San Marcos Art Glass
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Offline chopin-liszt

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2011, 04:50:14 PM »
If I were "middle aged", John, my life expectancy would be 106.
Highly unlikely, as ME cuts normal life expectancy by 25%. I'm already on borrowed time.
Get your order in for what you want me to put in my will for you.  :thup:
(Amethyst fish and strapped club are gone, as is the cobalt tricorn charger and amethyst massive textured bottle - oh, and the signed Seaward bottle, sorry.).

Anita, I've been admiring your Zoo - I have a pretty little birdie but can't quite id it from the images there - it may be Odell, but my knowledge of anything Murano is just about non-existant... can I send you some pics by email? It's a birthday pressie so I can't put it on the board, all hush-hush stuff!
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

Earth without art is just eh.

Offline Anik R

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2011, 05:25:23 PM »
Chris, you must be very pleased to learn that your birds are Archimede Seguso.  :)  Lovely to get an attribution.

If I were "middle aged", John, my life expectancy would be 106.
Highly unlikely, as ME cuts normal life expectancy by 25%. I'm already on borrowed time.

Sue, out of curiosity, where did you get the 25% statistic?  From what I know (granted, very little) too little is known about ME to establish with any certainty that life expectancy in sufferers is cut.  From what I've read, ME sufferers are more prone to end their own lives.  :-\   (I'm not being critical -- I'm just inquisitive  :kissy:)

Offline TxSilver

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2011, 05:57:19 PM »
Opps -- I spelled Archimede wrong. But I know you know what I was writing, Chris. The older I git, teh more I mispell wurds. Next yeer this time, yu wont evn be able to reda wat I writ. (Poor people using translator programs!)

I'll be glad to take a look at your bird, Grumpy. Most things I can't identify, but maybe I will know what it is. I don't know much about animals that aren't Murano, and only a bit on those that are. You're lucky to have someone who cares enough about you to give a glass bird as a present. It is the ultimate gift, IMO.
San Marcos Art Glass
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Offline chriscooper

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2011, 09:19:57 PM »
Thanks for all your comments and help.
Anita I trust your judgement would love to see them in your Zoo shall I send these photos? no problem doing some more as the one with both on is blurred, but it will not be while Wednesday

Offline TxSilver

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2011, 01:07:26 AM »
Chris, the leading picture of the aquamarine bird (full body from the left) and the back shot of the amber bird will be good. The pink bird in the zoo and your aquamarine bird are good to show the form. The amber will show people another color. It will also give people a look at the lines of the wings at the shoulder. If you'll send those two pictures, it will be good. I'll put them with the pink bird.
San Marcos Art Glass
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Offline Carolyn Preston

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2011, 01:55:32 AM »
If I were "middle aged", John, my life expectancy would be 106.
Highly unlikely, as ME cuts normal life expectancy by 25%. I'm already on borrowed time.
Get your order in for what you want me to put in my will for you.  :thup:
(Amethyst fish and strapped club are gone, as is the cobalt tricorn charger and amethyst massive textured bottle - oh, and the signed Seaward bottle, sorry.).

Dear G.O.P. Something pretty and Scottish  :sc: please. Will not expect delivery for at least another 40 years.  :24: Is there something about the water in Scotland? My husband is the WORSE pundant known to mn. Drives me nuts!  :t:


Offline chopin-liszt

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Re: Pair of birds Scandinavian?
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2011, 02:05:42 PM »
Funnily enough, the water in Canada and the water in Scotland should share a lot of the same characteristics (including similar local variations) as they are from the same original land mass  - before the continents as we now know them, were formed.  :thup:
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

Earth without art is just eh.


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