Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Paperweights

Caithness Mystery


I have just acquired a Caithness paperweight, and I'm puzzled.  It doesn't appear in my Caithness book, nor can I find it on the internet   :?  Can anyone help?  

It is a lampworked weight called January Snowdrop, and it isn't the Helen MacDonald 'Floral Year' version    :shock:

Here's the weight  and this is the base  so you can see it's definitely a Caithness.  It is etched with the words, Snowdrop January Caithness Glass Scotland, and there is an engraved number, P2849

So why isn't it in the book?  The only other thing I could think of is, maybe it's very new - just out for this month - but why can't I find it on the internet then?   :?

And does anyone know who the lampwork was made by?  Should I ask Allan?

Hi Leni,
          The weight is one of the Flower of the Month range Caithness brought out in 1995.I don't know why it was not put in the book.the lampwork would of been done either by myself or Rosette.
                         Allan :D

Thank you very much, Allan!    I am delighted to hear that   :D


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