Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Animals & Figurines

Bimini Glass Figurines

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trying to find some information on some items in my collection. I think its safe to say their bimini but I cant find any others that are like them. Maybe you guys an provide me some more info. Thank you.

no ideas???

Welcome to the gmb - somebody will know, I'm sure - you just have to be patient until the right person comes along.
I'm not really up on Bimini figures - I know figurines tend to have fat ankles compared to Komarovy, but I'm not familiar with any of them being anything but white.
There's a lot of interest in Bimini and Komarovy, it won't take too long. Sometimes the more unusual attributions can take years........

The ball players, possibly. The rest are probably Lauscha.

I'd say Lauscha to all of them.


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