Glass Mall > Glass News

Fenton Closing


I know the vast majority of postings here are European related, but am just passing the news that Fenton is closing & this time for good since they are selling all the plant's equipment. I know Dr. Measell is a member here & in the U.S. we only hope the museum won't be lost since their inventory/exhibits covered more glass than just Fenton.

This is very sad news indeed.
Loads of workplaces are closing everywhere - the first thing a company does to save money is to put folk out of work - so their taxes are lost, their spending power is lost, they need financial help from the state - if it exists - and everything carries on in the downward spiral of the bubble bursting.

Very sad indeed, i havnt been collecting carnival glass for a long time but the Fenton pieces that i have show the quality they will be missed.  :cry: :cry:


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