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Small vase with engraved faun -- Erika Hellerova for Kamenicky Senov?

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Anik R:
That's an attractive vase, Michael -- I really like the spiral and the odd engraving (the skater's legs are very muscular and one leg alone is thicker than her waist.) 

By the way, you haven't got a collection quite yet... 3 is a collection.  ;)

Well, it is the start of a collection ;D (I don't know how many different motives/colours they made anyway).

It is a rather oldfashioned design, but the colour, shape and engraving really work very well together, and in that combination are quite unique.
I like that the red colour in the first one is very appropriate for the satyr, while the soft blue and the spiral are sort of showing the pirouette the skater is just doing on the ice...


Third one, found yesterday at a fleamarket -- now it is a collection ;D

This time with engraved flowers, and orange colour towards the base (which gives an interesting green sheen in reflected light, can't explain why).
2 cm shorter than the other ones, but surely from the same range.


You do have a lovely collection now  ;)

Thank you Christine :)

Regarding the green reflection: I just remembered my Jindra Beranek vase which shows a very similar effect:,46413.0.html



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