Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

Light Blue Trinket Set - Updated Pictures

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I was sold this as Walther Greta, but after looking at Pamela's site I don't think that identification is correct.  Another one of my finds this week  :wink:

Whole Set

trinket showing pattern


body of candlestick

Foot of candlestick

If not Greta, any idea the maker and/or pattern?

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Connie, this is one of my items I'm having for years and cannot find the maker - it just drives me crazy sometime!

Glad to see another one with this three stepped foot and six sided matt section!

let's wish us luck here  :roll:

do I see it right that the dish and boxes have 8 separate feet?! really?! never seen
the tray in a top view is of interest

Yes, Pamela the ring holder and 2 trinket boxes have 8 tab feet. The tops of the trinkets have a 8 ray design.  The tray has a 12 ray design.

I will try to take better pictures tomorrow, including one of the tray.

More photos of the set

Large trinket showing pattern and feet

the feet

pattern on top


Another view of tray

The pattern is moulded into the glass, a pebbled texture.  It is not applied.

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