Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Canada
pressed goblet marked 'M. G. EDSON & Co.'
Paul S.:
Probably not too clear from the pix, but this has acquired some noticeable sun-purpling, or possibly even made this way, deliberately - I believe there are still one or two manufactuers who create this colour to suggest, fraudulently, a greater than actual age. Very difficult to date, since whilst looking like something from the lat C19 - early C20, there is a total absence of any wear or age related marks.
Probably British, so shouldn't be here I guess, and the Mods can move if necessary. Height is c. 6" - 155mm, and there are four mould seams.
It came in with several genuinely older pressed drinking glasses, so might have some age, and just not been used - looks as though it was made yesterday.
So, who were/are M. G. EDSON & Co.? - I did have a little trawl on the internet, but wasn't aware of seeing the name.
That looks like genuine sun purpling
Paul S.:
thanks, and have a feeling you may well be correct - is it the manganese that causes the colour change? There isn't a great depth to the colour, just enough to be apparent. I'll have a look through the older Sowerby catalogues and see if this pattern is shown.
Paul S.:
thanks Christine. :)
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