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Author Topic: Is this glass bowl murano? Bizzare  (Read 3053 times)

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Offline midnightjo

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Is this glass bowl murano? Bizzare
« on: April 10, 2006, 03:48:08 AM »
I have this odd bowl and was wondering if any of you experts could help me out. It measures approx. 13" across and 3-4" tall. I have been told it is, but I have my doubts. It has a lot of bubbles that aren't controlled, I've never seen murano with so many bubbles. Did any murano makers make peices with this many bubbles? The base is ground or sanded flat and polished, though it does have scratches:

I'm no expert at all in this area so thanks for any and all help, it is greatly appreciated!


Offline midnightjo

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Is this glass bowl murano? Bizzare
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2006, 07:42:50 AM »
Someone told me that the frothy bubble style is called pulegoso. So now all I would like to know is your opinion on if this is murano or not, and what maker or era it is possibly from. Thanks for any and all help, it is greatly appreciated!

Offline midnightjo

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Is this glass bowl murano? Bizzare
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2006, 10:42:13 PM »
While researching I saw some pieces by Fratelli Toso, that had very similar characteristics. The aventurine is very similar and they backs are very similar. Does anyone have info on him or know a good book that shows pictures of his work?

Thanks -Jamey

Offline chuggy

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Is this glass bowl murano? Bizzare
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2006, 08:14:08 AM »
Italian glass century 20 by Leslie Pina has a number of pages of Fratelli Toso bowls and gives a pretty good cross section of their work. Though there are many other books this has the advantage of being readily available. A very similar example to your piece is shown on page 171.
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