Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

Help with vaseline glass? Please!

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Bought two of these today because they are so exquisitely beautiful I thought they were drinking glasses at first but the bowl is so shallow that you wouldn't hardly get any liquid in them.
They shine very brightly under by UV pen light unfortunately  have tried to take a photo but it was rubbish.Then I thought they may be penny lick glasses but the glass is too fragile for that so over to you glassies. Can anyone help?

Sorry seem to have got rather a large picture.....oops


Hi Doris

It would be a good idea to remove that pic and put a resized on in its's going to play havoc with some people's computers, plus it makes the page go all wonky!

I can't help you with these glasses, but an idea of size and a photo of the base would be useful to other people.   :)

Thanks Max I'll try again sometimes my pics work and sometimes they don't  and I haven't been drinking :(

diameter of bowl 7.5cm height 9 cm foot 6cm.


That's much better, Doris, now please edit your post and remove the first picture.
It looks as if if these are part of a table service from the late 19th or the early years of the 20th century. A full table service had glasses for (usually) water, red wine, port, liqueurs, white wine, champagne and rhine wine. The glasses for rhine wine and sometimes champagne were uranium coloured.
It is almost impossible to establish a maker for these. You could try replacements - good luck.


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