Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass Trinket Sets

green vaseline heart shaped box


tragdysangel:       Mod: Links dead

If anyone can tell me anything about this green vaseline 3 x 3 1/2 in heart shaped box I would be very greatful  I have no idea what date or who made it all I know is that it has not had any of the pontil marks ground off.  I am a beginner so if that term is'nt right please excuse me. I am from the United States

That's yellow-green!  It's American, made in the mid to late 1990s and by either Boyd or Mosser.  Visit for more on vaseline glass.  As to pontils, they occur on blown glass not molded glass and this trinket box is definitely molded.

I am the webmaster for, and I can tell you it is not at that site.  Boyd made a similar one, but their version has a little pattern around the upper rim.  I think Mosser Glass, Cambridge, Oh made this version.  If it was not them, then it was Summit Glass.  In either case, it is a new piece.  They sell on ebay for about $10-15.

Mr. Vaseline Glass

Dave,  I didn't say the box was on the VGCI site--I just suggested she visit it for clear, well researched info on vaseline glass--American style.

no accusation intended.  just in this world of instant gratification and GOOGLE, people tend to think they can find anything - anywhere.  Just wanted to let the OP know.


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