Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

UK glass-house outsourcing abroad or within UK

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I'm not sure if I am throwing in a red herring, but I have a fairly new cut glass jug with an Edinburgh Crystal label, AND another label which states " made in Czech republic.  If it is any help I can post some pictures later.

Yes please.

As far as I know, several big names are contracting glass work out to former eastern bloc countries. Royal Doulton and Denby glass are made in Poland.

Probably all large glass companies are out-sourcing. Caithness made EDdinburgh's paperweights.


I don't know about the piece on eBay, but who's to say Edinburgh Crystal are not currently out-sourcing?

My current knowledge of Edinburgh Crystal is that they still just do cut stuff, mostly traditional styles. I belive they did get in a trendy designer in the last few years, but still just cut glass. I have never heard of Edinburgh Crystal doing studio glass.


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