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French Fairs Calendar


Bernard C:
Recently returned from a most enjoyable fortnight camping in Brittany (see our basic setup here).   On the last three visits we've been fortunate to acquire the current edition of the regional Calendrier des brocantes et vide-greniers at the start of our stay, although this time it was the only copy on display in the local tobacconist/newsagent.

It seems to list every event, from small car boots to antique and specialist fairs, alphabetically by location within Département within date, and runs for a year from the beginning of February to the end of January.   Fair details are similar to the British Antique Trade Calendar.    It also includes clear Département maps with a full one grid square overlap in the centre so you don't have to break the book to see what's what, a list of regular fairs, a location index, and details of a website listing any cancellations.   There are six regional editions.   More photographs here, each with click image to enlarge feature.

It might be difficult to buy outside France before you go.   Please would anyone successful at buying one internationally from the publisher add details to this topic.

Bernard C.  8)


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