Glass Discussion & Research. NO IDENTIFICATION REQUESTS here please. > Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Austria

Exbor anxiety

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Mr. Turnip:
Hello Mr moderator, yes I can confirm I took these photos of my own Exbor vases in my own bathroom (the light is rather well diffused by the frosted glass I find - I was fully clothed at the time though) with my own Panasonic digital camera. For many years I worked in publishing so I'm aware of the consequences of messing with copyright.


David E:

--- Quote ---I'd have thought with Exbor vases being so visually stunning and such high quality that somebody would have put a book together by now.
--- End quote ---

Mark Hill's book Hi Sklo Lo Sklo is well worth purchasing, although I now see it is out of stock!

Might be worth picking up a copy second-hand when one is offered. I actually saw some for sale in Utrecht the other week, so other independent book sellers might still have copies.

Mr. Turnip:
I already have a copy of Hi Sklo Lo Sklo - you're right, it is a good book, I'd recommend it too. I reckon Mr Hill knows how to write an entertaining and informative book. I often wonder why books become 'out of stock' when people want to buy them. You'd have thought the publishers would notice the inevitable onset of non-availability and print some more. 

I'd like a copy of Mark Hill's Michael Harris book but as has recently been mentioned elsewhere on this site, it seems to demand an unreasonably high price secondhand. I don't know why he hasn't done an updated version, maybe I'll find one in a car boot sale one day for 50p. I wish I was so successful that I could afford to not do things that there was clearly a demand for me to do.

David E:
It's because publishers are normally committed to printing high volumes. Once these have sold a further batch can prove to be a very risky strategy.


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