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Author Topic: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings  (Read 285318 times)

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #160 on: March 01, 2018, 09:34:37 AM »
 The select polemic
Miloslav Klinger or Josef Cvrček ?.
( Železnobrodské sklo a.s. sure).

Polémica selecta
żMiloslav Klinger o Josef Cvrček? .
( Železnobrodské sklo a.s. seguro).

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #161 on: March 15, 2018, 03:20:39 PM »
Verdict on the exquisite controversy:
It's his technology.the author of the design and production is glass maker Josef Cvrček. František Kyška was his glassworker associate. We repeat: it is the work and the proposal of Mr. Josef Cvrček. Not Miloslav Klinger.
* (testimony of people close to Mr. Josef Cvrček who still resides in Železný Brod).

Veredicto sobre la exquisita controversia:
Es su tecnología. El autor del diseńo y la producción es el fabricante de vidrio Josef Cvrček. František Kyška era su socio vidriero. Repetimos: es el trabajo y la propuesta del Sr. Josef Cvrček. No Miloslav Klinger.
* (testimonio de personas cercanas al Sr. Josef Cvrček que aún reside en Železný Brod).
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #162 on: March 19, 2018, 12:35:51 PM »
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #163 on: March 19, 2018, 12:42:26 PM »
Today it was Ivan Kolman's turn.
Hoy le ha tocado el turno a Ivan Kolman.
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #164 on: April 05, 2018, 01:07:30 PM »
Kristal Poesie in infinite dynamics
Kristal Poesie en dinámica infinita
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #165 on: May 04, 2018, 06:36:22 AM »
If you consider Rudolf Schrotter father of Czech pressed glass,
we can consider Rudolf Jurnikl as his favorite son.
* (This model, originally called "Slunce" (sun), was renamed "Osaka"
to be presented at the World Exposition of 1970 in Japan).

Si se considera a Rudolf Schrotter padre del cristal prensado Checo,
podemos considerar a Rudolf Jurnikl como su hijo predilecto.
*(Este modelo originalmente llamado “Slunce” (sol), fue rebautizado “Osaka”
al ser presentado en la Exposición Universal de 1970 en Japon).
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #166 on: June 03, 2018, 12:29:55 PM »
There has always been tension between the ideal geometry of Euclid and Plato (on which our civilization has been built) and the apparent disorder we perceive in Nature.
Art has always been one step ahead of Science.
  Today, topological mathematics and fractal and chaos geometries are interested in complex forms, which have always been the natural material in the work of artists.
Taraba in his creations addresses this problem, managing to create "stains" rigorously constructed; offering us an extraordinary synthesis of the problem.

Desde siempre ha existido tensión entre la geometría ideal de Euclides y Platón (sobre la que se ha construido nuestra civilización) y el aparente desorden que percibimos en la Naturaleza.
El Arte siempre ha ido un paso por delante de la Ciencia.
 Hoy las matemáticas topológicas y las geometrías fractal y del caos se interesan por las formas complejas siendo estas, desde siempre, la materia natural en el trabajo de los artistas.
Taraba en sus creaciones aborda dicha problemática, logrando crear “manchas” rigurosamente construidas; ofreciéndonos una extraordinaria síntesis del problema.
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #167 on: June 10, 2018, 09:13:58 AM »
J A R O S L A V   T A R A B A
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #168 on: July 02, 2018, 06:15:21 PM »
A beautiful but complex piece. Within everyone's reach.
(Lednické Rovne (1960's)
Thanks T A R A B A

Una pieza bella pero compleja. A alcance de todos.
(Lednické Rovne (1960´s)
Gracias T A R A B A
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #169 on: August 01, 2018, 08:35:49 PM »
Velvet Vizner
* Mistisov-Teplice 1960's

Terciopelo Vizner
*Mistisov-Teplice 1960´s
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]


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