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Author Topic: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings  (Read 285347 times)

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2015, 12:05:01 AM »
Preparing for an upcoming exhibition: "furniture artist."
My piece is called "laboratory". In it there is a lot of wood and a little Czech glass.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #51 on: April 05, 2015, 01:58:06 PM »
The designs of Josef Hospodka to Chřibská are usually floral inspiration (something Italianate?).
 This 1958 is its short flower, therefore we think tender, and we've made some portraits.
They come in different colors and subtle shades of white.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2015, 04:02:23 PM »
Thanks to Mr. Turnip, which in this forum opened a thread with this title.

  I found it so appropriate that took it as motto for my mnemonic drawing.
      Designers like: Lipsky / Hlava / Wunsch / Oliva / Matura ... got to pieces of Exbor
      an unmistakable stamp of a unsettling beauty and perfection.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #53 on: April 07, 2015, 01:24:56 PM »
Here are the Vizner vises. The name is appropriate, for without doubt in the mind of the teacher was this object as a formal reference.
 Only an artist like Vizner can transcend a common object and lead to the divine.
                         Divine vise !!
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #54 on: April 09, 2015, 10:01:28 AM »
When you see a piece of perfect crystal: in its proportions, its modulated waveforms, serene imposing its presence very quiet way ....
                               That's a Václav Hanuš.
 Here is his siñorita a cornerstone of great sensuality.
Is an untouchable lady unstable and virginal elegance; anyone who dares to take her in his hands will forever remain committed .


** This Master we have dedicated several of our drawings-mnemonics and still come any more.
Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2015, 07:55:34 AM »
This design of Max Kannegiesser, irregular oval enameled in bright colors, has been very popular.
With it's. classic line of Borské assumed airs of abstract modern informality.
We suppose that "Nemo", refers to the character of Jules Verne's novel: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
Those ovals should therefore be marine inspiration; But the cheerful bubbling of balloons, also reminiscent of champagne and sparkling wines.
 We think it is because this joyous association that has been so successful.
Counting, of course, with Borské glass quality.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2015, 03:43:11 PM »
Here I met a Jiří Brabec and Jaroslav Svoboda, for his passion for the drops.
Those of Brabec are denser, controlled, geometric. The most liquid, scattered, random Svoboda.
Both pay tribute to the raw material, the glass flux.
In their designs displayed as finishing what was at first: curl curl, bite the tail.
Subjugated by the soft forms of a plastic universe, dream like Dali in Time: soft, continuous and present.

Aquí  he reunido a Jiří Brabec y Jaroslav Svoboda,por su pasión por las gotas.
Las de Brabec son más densas, controladas, geométricas. Las de Svoboda más líquidas, dispersas, azarosas.
Ambos rinden homenaje a la materia prima, al cristal fundente.
En sus diseños muestran como acabado lo que fue en un principio: rizan el rizo, muerden la cola.
Subyugados por las formas blandas de un universo plástico, sueñan como Dalí, en un Tiempo: blando, continuo y presente.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #57 on: April 20, 2015, 09:20:50 AM »
Václav Zajík nació en Turnov en 1951 (dos años más joven que yo,guau!!).
Tuvo profesores  como Libenský o Matura y un espíritu analítico e investigador que hacen particulares sus creaciones artísticas
para el cristal prensado ( trabajó principalmente para Libochovice).
Para quedar admirado, solo basta con mirar aquí >>
En 1981 (a los 30 años de edad)) creó este singular modelo:”Lotus”, probablemente su pieza más popular aunque quizás no la más interesante;
Tiene la particularidad de ser creada con una novedosa técnica de CENTRIFUGADO; Václav Zajík siempre comprometido,siempre a la Vanguardia.
Václav Zajík born in Turnov in 1951 (two years younger than me, wow !!).
 He had professors as Libenský or Matura and an analytical and investigative spirit that make particular your artistic creations
 for the pressed glass (worked mainly for Libochovice).
To be admired, just enough to look here >>
In 1981 (30 years old)) created this particular model: "Lotus", probably his most popular although perhaps not the most interesting part;
 It has the distinction of being created with a novel technique CENTRIFUGAL; Václav Zajík always engaged, always at the Vanguard.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2015, 07:24:31 AM »
En 1971 František  Vizner ideó estos jarrones - Nº 7117 para Škrdlovice .
Una masa de cubos se adhieren a un cuerpo central, por lo general cilíndrico,
cubriéndolo total o parcialmente de manera pegajosa.
 A algunos les sugieren piñas, toffes…incluso cubitos de hielo.
Hemos puesto la atención fuera de foco, en el núcleo, y lo hemos desnudado.
In 1971 František Vizner conceived these vases - No. 7117 for Škrdlovice.
A mass of cubes adhere to a central body, generally cylindrical,
covering all or part of sticky way.
Some suggest they pineapples, toffees ... even ice cubes.
We put out of focus attention, on the core, and we have stripped.

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]

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Re: Czech glass / mnemonics drawings
« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2015, 10:58:57 AM »
Alguna vez he percibido un cierto desdén hacia  este jarrón Borské ....
Cuando se tiene en la mano, sólo se puede sentir admiración y cariño ....
Usted puede incluso oír su música sutil .....
Have I ever perceived a certain disdain for this vase Borské ....
When you have on hand, you can only feel admiration and affection ....
You can even hear his subtle music .....

Daniel Muriel . [Kristal Poesie]


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